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About Us

'Hazel Oak is an outstanding school where pupils are happy and learn exceptionally well, and where staff ensure that they are safe’. (Ofsted 2014)

'You and your staff have very high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils said, ‘Teachers are prepared to go the extra mile.’ They value the care, support and guidance that they receive to help them achieve their full potential. Relationships between pupils and staff are exceptionally positive. Pupils trust their teachers and know that they will be listened to and helped when needed. As a result, pupils are eager to learn and there is a calm and purposeful working atmosphere across the school'. (Ofsted April 2019)

Hazel Oak is an all age special school for children with moderate learning difficulties, many of whom are on the autistic spectrum. All students have a statement of Special Educational Need (SEN). We pride ourselves on innovation and forward thinking, aiming to provide the best possible start in life for our young people. We are successful because we know our students well and recognise their learning needs.

Student care, guidance and support is at the heart of all we do and our dedicated team of staff are committed to ensuring that our pupils enjoy school and achieve the very best they can, working in partnership with parents, carers and support services.

All students are able to access a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum, and in addition we provide enrichment opportunities personalised to meet individual need.