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Curriculum Highway


Our primary aim is to maximise pupils’ potential after they leave Hazel Oak from 16 years of age (hence the branding, ‘Curriculum Highway), since we are always thinking about the end of the journey and how best to get there. The Curriculum is therefore designed to support students’ whole school progression, rather than key-stage to key stage.


Although not ridged, pupils’ curriculum pathways are carefully considered from the earliest possible stage.



EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2:

Pupils transition into school life and are continuously assessed using the EYFS framework. At this early stage, we are using the 4 areas of their EHCP to work out which destination best suits them, hence the roundabout analogy. See our EYFS policy for information on how our early years curriculum is delivered



Key Stage Three:

 We continue the work from the pupils’ EHCP and begin to group them into one of 3 pathways. Like an MOT test, we are assessing where to best place the pupils so we can maximise potential for qualifications in Key Stage 4 and 5.



In Key Stage Four

Based on what we know about the pupil from their journey up to this point, subject weighting (including qualifications) will differ from pathway to pathway. Each pathway considers universal provision, accreditation, EHCP primary needs, student interests and post 16/18 intended destinations. For some pupils, year 11 would

be their final year at Hazel Oak so it is important that they have the skills and experiences to support their transition post Hazel Oak.




In Key Stage Five

Pupils continue to build on their previous qualification results. Since this will be their last 2 years as Hazel Oak pupils, we provide them with a heavy focus around independence skills, work experience and community engagement.